Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Alright so tonight I will discuss characters. Characters are what make a story so special; characters have to be engaging and round. If a character is not very “intense” or well formed and thought out then the whole story can be a total drag and make it nearly painful for the readers. So that is to say that the character must be described so that readers can see the details in their minds eye, readers don’t want to just see words on a page readers want to have the opportunity to “feel” and “see” the characters. I have read several books with nearly no descriptive wording in them and all and I can say is that it has prevented me from continuing with the series, Lorien Legacies or the “I am Number Four” series is so terrible btw do not read. After reading the book I have next to no idea what the characters look like or anything! Simply awful.
However descriptive language is not the only important thing in a story, the characters must be likeable and easy to sympathize with. For example “Harry Potter” was a completely relatable character. As a reader you must have the opportunity to really see through the characters eyes and have a sort of connection with the character. Even though the characters are full and vital to the plot you don’t have to like them for them to be important. Draco Malfoy was an important character in the “Harry Potter” series even though he was not liked by any of the other characters he played a big role in the series. I’m getting off track now, but… the point is that the most famous books and the most successful books have very round and engaging characters. But not only are the characters round but some of them are original like “The Boy Who Lived”. If you guys have any thoughts on my writing technique and ideas for futures articles please message me THANK YOU.

Friday, November 11, 2011


This word is extremely important. The originality of a work in literature can make something successful or make it an example of what not to do. Originality does not just stay confined to books though; it applies to movies, art, dancing, music, and pretty much any other art form you can think of. When writing a book the author must ask themselves “is this cliché or is this original? Does it sound like something I’ve read before?” these questions, and others, must be asked to ensure the purest and most enjoyable reading and writing experience for the author and the readers.
           However to me an original story is not just the idea, the writing form must be “executed” perfectly and original to the author, the story base does not need to be original however. For example Agatha Christie wrote about murder but each book she changed the story to make an original work of literature, the idea does not always need to be original for the work to be considered “original”. Although it never is a bad thing to have a completely original idea (Rick Riordan).

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Death In a Story

     Well...sad topic for tonight guys. In literature death is quite a big theme. In  a story death can make or break a character; it can drive them toward the goal they seek, or it can crush them and cripple them to a point they can't go on. Death in general is something that everyone avoids, but it seems to be the holy grail in literature. Death plays a major role in several famous  tales such as Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None. This novel takes place on an island with ten people invited to a small get together, but one by one they are being killed by an unknown assailant for an unknown reason, so obviously death is a major player in the plot. That story was a mystery and death was perfectly anticipated and in fact encouraged in that genre. However then, there are stories that all about trying to cope with death and not just face it head, one such story is Tears Of a Tiger which is about a high school student who is trying to deal with the death of a close friend. In the story he struggles with depression and ultimately (SPOILER) commits suicide.

     A lot of authors use death so predominately that it has become what they are known for such as Edgar Allan Poe, and Stephen King. Both of them have written many famous stories involving death, Edgar Allan Poe wrote The  Black Cat and A Cask Of Amontillado, Stephen King wrote 1922.

     Outside of literature death basically controls our lives and I think that every decision we make is based on whether or not it is going to affect us and our lives. I mean even the simplest task may be analyzed to the point that we believe if it is done wrong then it will in some way kill us. However at that point it becomes paranoia. Besides all that, death is a major factor in life, the death of a loved one can invoke such strong emotion that we ourselves cant cope with the sheer "rawness" of the emotion. People have written books on death and what it may be like. Ive even heard of a book called 90 Minutes In Heaven, its about a man who had a near death experience and its his story of how he traveled to heaven and back. People are captivated by the idea of death and authors use it because of that...its not just the mystery of death either that captivates us its also the idea of just "not being there" anymore and being "gone" so the mystery of it is perfect for an author to take and shape however they want. I think Death is in almost every part of literature. Thanks for ready guys PLEASE show me to your friends and don't forget to give me some feedback! THANK YOU

Saturday, October 15, 2011


      Villains...when I hear this I think of evil scientist and insane dictators, but what makes villains so evil? Surely the villain is also the main antagonist in the story, but is there a reason that a villain is so evil because surely not all villains were simply born that way...In most stories, not just books, the antagonist is bitter for something that happened to them in the past. For example in X-men Erik (aka Magneto) worked with Charles Xavier for the good of all mutants. However, because Magneto believed that mutants were superior, he left the X-men and started the brotherhood. In some stories, however, such as The Lion King, Scar was Mufasa's brother but was bitter towards Mufasa because he believed that the crown was supposed to be his and his rage eventually led to Scar killing Mufasa. So, even family relations can create a villain, especially when one does not get what they want. Many villains believe that someone has wronged them and want to take their revenge out on anyone and anything that gets in their way.
        Some antagonists become mad towards the world because they have suffered great loss such as the death of a spouse, and begin to believe that it was someone’s fault. In fact now that I think about it all Villains are bitter because they believe that someone has wronged them in some, what they interpret as, a terrible way. However we must examine the fact that all villains were good before a specific event in their lives turns them bad. After all no one is born evil. To say that when an antagonist realizes the truth that they would turn good is a perfectly reasonable statement, I have seen this many times a great example of this is in lion king two when Kovu feels remorse for betraying Simba. BTW Great examples of all of these things I’ve talked about are in the Percy Jackson series if you have not read I STRONGLY recommend it. YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED. PLEASE guys leave me some feedback and perhaps even a story idea and a big thanks to my first follower Delta Altair, please tell your friends about me!!!! THANK YOU

Thursday, October 13, 2011


     Whenever we hear this word we immediately think of groundbreaking originals in the fields of movies and books. For me when I hear classic I think of  Gone With the Wind and To Kill a Mockingbird both of them have been turned into major motion pictures and both are still widely read today in schools. But what is the key to a classic movie or book? Is a classic made by addressing intense or controversial issues like phenomena we can’t explain (H.G. Wells) or things such as racism (Harper Lee), perhaps even love (the Bronte Sisters), or is it simply an original idea?

     In addition to considering the topics of war, love, prejudice, an social issues when determining a classic, one must look at who the author is, when and where he/she was born, and at what time in history has the author blessed us with their amazing works of literature. When one is examining a classic it is hard not to realize that there is always some sort of conflict in the story that weaves a plot. Usually this conflict is addressing a social issue like status or prejudice and the story is the protagonist trying to overcome these obstacles. In my opinion all these thing and more determine a classic but what do my readers think please leave a comment below with your feedback! THANK YOU.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Hunger Games

     Sadly I was not able to update yesterday :( due to testing...but not a big deal because I'm back!!!
Today I wish to talk about a book series i have begun, its called The Hunger Games and I must say I am quite impressed with it. I have started on the second book called Catching Fire, and the first book is called The Hunger Games. It is quite an amazing series and you guys should check it out.

     The first book The Hunger Games is the introduction into what is known as the country of Panem and encompasses the main character Katniss as she is involved in what are known as The Hunger Games. These are games that the Government, called the Capitol, in the book have set up were each district surrounding Panem must select two people and send them to the Capitol to Participate in a huge fight to the death. The people that are selected are between the ages of twelve and eighteen. Katniss has a little sister named Prim who gets selected but Katniss instead takes her place and is paired with Peeta, another huge character in the series, and is sent to the Games. The Games were set up because, what is told to us in the book, there was some uprising in Panem and the Games are the Capitols way of "keeping things in line". Only one person may arise victorious from the arena but I will not spoil it, you have to read for yourself if you wish to buy the book here is the link. The Hunger Games

This is an AMAZING series and I strongly recommend this to anyone who enjoys YA literature.

Thank you all for reading!!!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Halloween horror

I love Halloween. It’s my favorite time of year! I especially love all the inspiration it gives me to write and read, and not just horror either, but also drama and thriller. An idol of mine, for his horror and thriller, is Alfred Hitchcock because his stories were frightening as well as thought provoking. He showed me how to make something scary and not just gruesome and thrown out there. He shows that it’s not the image and visual aspect of a story so much as it is the idea behind the story. The things I find scary in a lot of books are the subtle things and the ideas behind the actions of a character and not just the action itself. For Example his movie Rear Window was scary and it was done from the view point of man in a wheel chair watching people through a window in his apartment. The person watching the movie must think about the characters, which makes the whole movie a lot more engaging. The end of the movie (which I will not spoil) is heart pounding and thought provoking because the viewer has to think about things that happened in the movie and piece together how and what happened to the victim, and if you pay attention, tells exactly why a certain character kept doing the things he (or she) did.

a teenage boy with a passion for writing and reading

ive created this blog because i think it would be fun for me and for others....the basic idea is that i will take ideas that my fellow bloggers will give me and i will turn them into stories (kinda like a commission story but free) and then have people give me feedback on the story and criticism. I love to write and hope that people will encourage me. I hope they like my stories, if you find this blog please give me some ideas and details and then check back to see how it turned out. THANK YOU