Friday, November 11, 2011


This word is extremely important. The originality of a work in literature can make something successful or make it an example of what not to do. Originality does not just stay confined to books though; it applies to movies, art, dancing, music, and pretty much any other art form you can think of. When writing a book the author must ask themselves “is this cliché or is this original? Does it sound like something I’ve read before?” these questions, and others, must be asked to ensure the purest and most enjoyable reading and writing experience for the author and the readers.
           However to me an original story is not just the idea, the writing form must be “executed” perfectly and original to the author, the story base does not need to be original however. For example Agatha Christie wrote about murder but each book she changed the story to make an original work of literature, the idea does not always need to be original for the work to be considered “original”. Although it never is a bad thing to have a completely original idea (Rick Riordan).

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